Draw Me a Home is finally out! It's an artist’s book that documents the project first staged against the odds during the first COVID lockdown at Departure Lounge Gallery, Luton in 2020.
To celebrate the publication of Draw Me a Home a special event is planned to offer a chance to learn more about the project, the challenges of producing art during lockdown and an opportunity to reflect on how the idea of ‘home' has shifted in the wake of the pandemic.
The publication was designed by artist Sarah Wood, printed by Calverts and published by Social Arts Publications. It includes texts, images and two recently commissioned essays. Exhibition co- curator Natalie Pace reflects on how social engagement could operate in art during a time of social isolation, while literature scholar Mathelinda Nabugodi creatively and critically responds to the online exhibition of Draw me a Home.
The launch will comprise readings, discussion with the artists and project contributors as well as opportunities to celebrate the process of making art against the odds and purchase a copy of the book.
Please book on eventbrite to attend - it will be lovely to celebrate the publication together. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/draw-me-a-home-publication-launch-tickets-314470789597
