(Extract from cover of How to Make Books by Esther k. Smith)
As life seems to now stop and start depending on restriction levels and has almost all moved online time stretches but we're finally getting ready to start work on the publication. The book will be published by Social Art Publications and the idea for it is to document the research process and the project’s transformation following the restrictions. It will capture selected highlights from the project and include texts and images produced during the engagement phase as well as interactive sections in the form of line drawings that were produced for the exhibition itself, designed to be ‘coloured in’ at home. Additionally the publication will include two recently commissioned essays. The first by exhibition co- curator Natalie Pace will reflect on the ways in which the project, specifically in terms of its social engagement aspects, has shifted. The second titled Draw Me Away from Home by English scholar Mathelinda Nabugodi creatively and critically responds to the online exhibition. The publication will therefore encapsulate the project’s distinct processes and methodologies and will serve as both a record of and a provocation for, critical engagement.