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Window and online exhibition has now closed. You can still visit
some of the works on the gallery's archive
Conceived as a site responsive research project by artist Idit Elia Nathan, working in collaboration with curator Natalie Pace‘Draw Me a Home' and Departure Lounge Luton.
Inspired by conversations and encounters across Luton and on social media, Idit has exhibited new works which respond specifically to the sudden changes imposed by the Coronavirus outbreak. These works were displayed at the gallery window and online.
The project explores notions of home, belonging, movement and transformation within the context of Luton, through research, conversations, and the production new work that has culminated in a solo show at Departure Lounge. The project draws on Idit’s experience of producing work that is convivial and rooted in place but relates to complex socio-political issues.
You can hear the 'in conversation' event here. Read a review of the exhibition by Tom Hackett here. Visit the project's Facebook page, Instagram channel and Twitter account or view the the various prompts posted during the exhibition's production - here.
For more background visit:

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